Origin and production: Honey is the result of a complex process involving honey bees. These insects collect nectar from flowers using their proboscis, store it in their crop and then regurgitate it into the hive. They then fan the nectar with their wings to reduce the water content, helping to transform the liquid into honey. This enzymatic and evaporative process gives honey its unique characteristics.
Composition: Honey is composed mainly of glucose and fructose, the two main types of sugar found in plants. However, it also contains a variety of bioactive compounds such as enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and antibacterial substances. These elements give honey its health-giving properties.
Winners of the Concours Général Agricole in Paris 2023
The Concours Général Agricole, held in Paris during the Salon International de l'Agriculture, aims to reward the best local products.
In 2023, producers from the Alpes-Maritimes defended the colors and flavors of our region.
-Honey and mead competition:
Mountain honey - Dark mountain honey
Bronze medal
Jean Louis LAUTARD / beekeeper
343 avenue Docteur Belletrud 06530 Le Tignet
Tel: 04 93 66 46 57
-Other honeys
Poly floral amber and dark honey
Silver medal
Jean Louis LAUTARD / beekeeper
343 avenue Docteur Belletrud 06530 Le Tignet
Tel: 04 93 66 46 57